Thursday, September 15, 2022

Of course you were all correct, and I did nothing even resembling physical work yesterday. But I think, maybe, by the evening, I was beginning to feel more human.

This morning I am again running a fever, and have retreated to bed as Tom gets ready to go to work for the first time in a week. I hope he manages okay. It feels strange not to be up making his coffee, washing breakfast dishes, throwing laundry into the machine--my typical weekday flurry into tidiness before exercising and showering and shoehorning myself into desk work. Instead I am lolling in bed, listening to jays squawk in the gloaming, listening to Tom make his lunch, listening to the cat yowl at him about some disgruntlement.

I'll be washing those breakfast dishes soon, but slow is the word du jour. 


nancy said...

I went to my first Poetry Circle gathering and survived! Four women "of a certain age" gathered around a table in a reading room that included two carved lions' heads and a number of stoic portraits (presumably of book lovers of yore?) gazing from gilded frames. I read "About Mothers" -- they loved the lines "my giant son leans his head on my shoulder, /
and I am his mother again, lifting his memory into my arms." So you were there too, even as you lolled in bed in another state : )
Hope you rest a bit more before taking up the daily tasks.

Ruth said...

Slow is good!!!
When we don't let our bodies have tthe time to heal, bodies have a way of making it happen anyway!!