Wednesday, September 14, 2022

I thought maybe this would be the morning I woke without a fever, but apparently not. I have so rarely run temperatures in my life, and that has been the strangest thing about Covid: the cycle of recurring fevers, tamping them down with Tylenol, then feeling them spike again. They've also contributed to notably strange dreams--one in which I was trying to figure out how much to charge people for my coughs, another in which I was organizing my headache into pigeonholes on a desk.

Everything is exhausting, but doing nothing is so dull. I've been able to work for a few hours each morning, but then my attention fractures, and all I can do is languidly watch movies, which itself has become exhausting. I've made dinner every night, I picked beans yesterday, I even did a little watering, but each chore requires significant preparation: timing the fever medicine, resting beforehand, making sure I don't put too much pressure on myself. I'd like to think I could clean the bathrooms today, following that pattern, though I don't yet feel strong enough to drag the vacuum cleaner around.

Tom, however, is much better and is hoping to finally test negative today.


Carlene Gadapee said...

Don't push too hard; you don't need a rebound.
Feel better soon, my friend.

Ruth said...

Totally agree with Carlene. Please do not push!!!! Languish responsibly!

nancy said...

I have been fascinated by all the novels in which people (often men) just matter-of-factly "took to their beds" with no apparent guilt or feelings of inadequacy (of course they usually had servants : ) Be that heroine -- this is the perfect excuse to leave those bathrooms be! They are not going anywhere : )

David (n of 49) said...

Do not push is right! Let your body do its work, without interference. Or not too much, anyway. (=