Monday, August 1, 2022

Bachelor's buttons with a background of shed: T worked from morning till night, and I did housework and some editing and filled the vases. I love the blue of these blossoms, a rare cerulean among the midsummer oranges and golds.

And these are my first cut sunflowers, staring out of their ginger jar. Good practice: always check a sunflower for bees before you bring it into the house.

And here is the carpenter, screwing down strapping to hold the metal sheathing. He labored till close to 8 p.m. to get the job done, but now we have a solid roof.

I feel bad that he's got a whole work week ahead of him; he put in some long, long days this weekend. 

* * *

With my own week suddenly in an uproar, I was glad to snatch some editing time yesterday. I've mostly finished up that little project: a few tweaks and I can send it off to the author. Then I can turn my attention to preparing my Friday craft talk and those Saturday writing workshops, not to mention tonight's reading. Midweek is scattered with poet visits--Julia here on Tuesday, a day trip to Lucia's on Wednesday--so I need to buckle down today.

* * *

My poem "For David" appears in Vox Populi today. It's dedicated to my friend David Dear, who emailed me the Plath quotation in the epigraph, which I then used as a writing prompt.

1 comment:

Carlene Gadapee said...

Lovely poem in Vox!
O those little birds.
And the shed is looking great!