Wednesday, July 17, 2019

I guess it's going to be one of those rainy-not-rainy-thunderstormy-not-thunderstormy-sticky-hair-curling-same-temperature-all-day kind of days. So I will pick beans early, and will not hang towels on the line, and will prepare to spring around the house opening and closing windows  on an emergency basis.

Unfortunately I seem to have caught a summer cold, and unfortunately it's mostly a sore throat, which will take some of the fun out of having a day off from editing. I was hoping to do some writing today, along with some teaching prep and maybe--ugh--book promotion stuff. But it's difficult to be creative with a sore throat. Maybe it will go away quickly and I will suddenly leap into poet action.

In groundhog news: a sighting yesterday, but nothing eaten. In sunflower news: first blooms are opening. In kitchen news: peach cobbler. In Inferno news: I've reached the heretic circle of hell.


Carlene Gadapee said...

Feel better!
And yay for peach cobbler. That sounds delightful.

David (n of 49) said...

That's the problem with The Inferno: there's nowhere to go but down...