Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Yesterday felt like summer. First, I finished (temporarily) my editing season, and then I spent the evening at the ballpark. Not only did the Sea Dogs trounced the Akrons, but the night's theme was "Royalty," so the entertainment staff were wandering around the stands in crowns and skimpy cloaks and the PA kept playing songs sort of linked to royalty . . . including the Sex Pistols' "God Save the Queen," which I thought might make T fall out of his seat laughing. Crowd watching was excellent, especially the burly guy wearing a t-shirt that read, "I Put the Stud in Bible Studies." And then, as always, the sweet walk home in the gloaming.

This morning I'll be heading west to Vermont to spent a couple of days with my family. Home on Friday, followed by a weekend spent catching up on house things and bending my thoughts toward the next big teaching extravaganzas. Wish me luck as this drive is not an easy one. However, the Champlain Valley is beautiful in early summer, and I am keeping my thoughts on that.

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