Saturday, December 23, 2023

I slept a bit late this morning, always an unexpected boon, and now here I loll in my couch corner, not yet rushing around. Today we'll be driving to western Massachusetts, our car loaded with bread, smoked fish, and salads. Theoretically the drive shouldn't take that long, but I daresay traffic will be nasty. And I have yet to pack my clothes, pack the cooler, prep the cat's things for his babysitter, etc., etc.

Only the NYC son will be with us; our Chicago son will be with his girlfriend's family. But even with one boy away, my in-laws' house will be buzzy and cheerful. We'll bask in my mother-in-law's excellent cooking, play around with the traditional silly Christmas decorations (e.g., imagine this tableau: a pair of white crocodiles pulling Santa's sleigh away from the Parthenon: a classic example of the good times we have with Christmas tchotchkes in Amherst), and enjoy long raucous family card games. It should be a fun holiday.

I am a little sad to leave my new desk, just as soon as I received it. But it will be waiting for my return.

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