Monday, July 18, 2022

We're supposed to get rain today, and I sure hope that's true. Only my willpower is keeping the garden and new shrubs alive, and my willpower is getting very, very tired of the water bill.

I had a long day on the road yesterday . . . driving up and then down Route 1, through midcoast towns I've rarely set foot in---Newcastle, Bath, Nobleboro--though I have devoured the oysters they grow . . . along knuckles of land, across fingers of tidal rivers, clogging up stoplights amid the vacationers streaming up and down the coast, crossing bridges I was afraid to cross but crossed anyway . . . and then a reading, my first inside, in person, for years, and a lovely crowd and a lovely, lovely setting by the sea, and I even signed books, and that alone felt so bizarre . . .

And now, Monday morning in the Alcott House. Sticky and overcast. Tom upstairs yawning loudly and bumping dresser drawers. Me, thinking about housework and grocery shopping, editing and phone calls, what needs to get done what needs to get done, the little sing-song chorus of Monday morning.

I've got two poem drafts in progress, and I hope to fidget with them in the fringes of my utilitarian day. I hope to cook red beans and rice. I hope to stand at a window watching the rain pour down. 


nancy said...

I cannot wait to dance in the rain. The garden is wilting before my eyes.

Carlene Gadapee said...

I agree about the rain... as much as I love deck and pool time, it is breaking my heart to see my fruit trees wilting.

Ruth said...

I have no fancy system, but I collect rainwater and use it for all the hand watering of the veggies, herbs, and ALL the other plants!! I too want a good steady all day rain...perhaps even a two day rain. I wrote that on the local FB page and got several "We're here on vacation, please don't ruin our week." messages. Tempted, but sometimes those guardian angels that live in my mouth are fully armored and prevent me from retaliation. My list of MUST-DO and SHOULD-DO is overwhelming me right now. So, I shall sit on the porch while it is coolish and tip yellow beans, hoping for balance.

Unknown said...

...finally raining here! It still feels like Tampa, but at least it's wet, and I'm relieved for the plants and the birds and even the ground hogs. I was driving back and forth in VT over the weekend and saw deer standing out in the shallow rivers. I don't remember seeing them do that before a sunny afternoon.