Tuesday, July 19, 2022

We did get rain last night, a good soaking, but already, at 5 a.m., the steam is rising and the heat is ramping up. Today will be a scorcher, and I'm pretty sure the A/C will have its first all-day trial run. Lots of ice tea on the menu. Shrimp salad for dinner. But first, illogical as it seems, the chimney sweep will be arriving. Of course he needs to come when we're not using the woodstove. However, soot plus 90 degrees does seem unfortunate for him.

Otherwise, this will be a typical day: editing, reading, working on poems, trying to stay cool. At least the garden got some water relief yesterday, and I finished the housework. There should be no need to rush around hotly.

And I'm pleased with these new poem drafts . . . one in particular. It's strange and mysterious and I like not knowing just what's going on.

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