Thursday, March 10, 2022

Yesterday's little snow is crusted onto the trees and roofs like Christmas decorations, but the temperature will soon rise, and I predict by 9 a.m. the tidy scene will be an explosion of runnels and drips. 

I finished my editing assignment yesterday, which was a great relief. Now I have two loosey-goosey days before my weekend class begins, and I'm going to try very hard to use them wisely . . . by which I mean baby myself a little, as I am beginning to worry that I might be heading toward a sinus infection. So today: plenty of tea, some fresh air, a nap, and puttering; tonight: no writing salon, a 1930s movie, and pizza delivery. Of course I'll do housework and desk work and read books, but I've got to make sure I don't get sick.

Today, in Manhattan, Paul will be attending the Big East basketball tournament at Madison Square Garden, watching number-1 Providence College play. He's pretty wound up about this, as you might imagine, and I expect to be bombarded with play-by-play texts, which I will enjoy reading as I lie around babying myself. I might walk up to the library and fetch the books I ordered. I might wander into the cemetery to see how raptor courtship season is coming along. Being slightly sick might be good for me.

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