Friday, August 7, 2020

A few minutes ago, I discovered a poem acceptance in my spam folder, so that was a welcome surprise. It's a piece I wrote last summer, one I like quite a lot, but to this point no journal editors were falling for it. An acceptance is a nice way to start a Friday morning.

I want to give you a head's up about a couple of forthcoming Zoom poetry events. First, I'll be a featured reader at the Hoot--a long-established poets' gathering sponsored by the Portsmouth (NH) Poetry Laureate Program--which is usually held in person but this time will be online. Organizers haven't yet posted details on their website, but the date is September 2, 7-8 p.m., EST. Usually they also have an open-mic segment, so maybe you can read with me.

Second, I will be leading "New England Bards: Discovering Voice, Discovering Place," a weekend online poetry retreat to be held on October 3 and 4. The organizer and I are working out the details of the schedule, but I can tell you that it will focus on the poems of Jane Kenyon and Hayden Carruth and will encompass conversation, writing prompts, and revision thoughts. I can't tell you what the cost will be, though I did ask the organizer to please make it as affordable as possible. We're planning to cap the class at eight participants. While I miss in-person events, I do like the fact that people from anywhere can come together on Zoom. I was so nervous about holding the Frost Place conference online, but it did work pretty well. I'm excited to have a chance to spend time with you and these great poets. 

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