Monday, June 29, 2020

Well, here I am again. And it's Monday and it rained all night and it is still raining! This is the first adequate rain we've had for months, and the garden is drinking deep, the cat is furious, and my night brain kept pinging awake, off and on, off and on, confused by the strangeness of the downpour.

All weekend, Tom and Paul managed the house while I taught in the back room, but this morning Tom goes back to work, so I'm preoccupied with laundry and dishes while also fretting about lesson plans. At 3 a.m. my syllabus seemed like the stupidest idea ever. Probably that was just 3 a.m. talking, but I'm a little jangled about it. So I've got to spend some quiet time with it in the light of day.

Yesterday's session went well, I think. I always love the participants' presentations; It gives me a lot of joy to hear their voices and ideas, to hear everyone else's reactions. I really, really miss the barn and the mountain and the porch, but colleagues are a solace, even in this strange forum.

Tonight's Facebook Live reading will feature faculty member Angela Narciso Torres.


nancy said...

Since the conference started, I've been waking up at 4:30 again! What is with that?!

Anonymous said...

Some of us "hung out" anyway even though we should've been writing or sleeping. BUT it was so important to connect, if only virtually. We covered some important ground too.