Friday, March 13, 2020

Things are pretty stressful around here. I know they are for you as well.

Our primary stress at the moment is my younger son, who is hunkered down at college waiting to find out when he'll be sent home. This is the last semester of his senior year, and he's devastated.

Of course being "sent home" really means that the students' parents will have drive out to pick up their children, which in our case means that Tom will have to go to Vermont with his work truck because all of Paul's stuff can't possibly fit into my car. But Tom is supposed to start a new job on Monday . . . and anyway, how will Paul graduate this spring if he can't take his performance classes online? How does one take an online acting class?

I suppose by later today we'll have some idea of what to expect--at least as far as the college closure goes. But I was up most of the night worrying about his distress. It's a horrible situation for this cohort of young people.

Anyway. Soldier on, friends.


Carlene Gadapee said...

It may be useful to know that U-Haul is offering free 30 day storage to affected college students--their program info must be online. And omg, I know this must be absolutely awful for you all. Things are pretty tense here too--I'm just praying--literally praying--that we escape unscathed. Wedding plans and all that, Meg working in the ICU in two hospitals, G working in retail--and the looming possibility of school closures. Hard to keep it together for sure. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and with us all.

Dawn Potter said...

My thoughts and love are with you too. Public school closures are looming, I know. I'm sure my Monson days are numbered. Will the construction industry just keep powering through? Lord only knows. Meanwhile, our child's heart is broken.

Ruth said...

I can offer nothing except love and long distance hugs. My heart is so full and as a praying person, my list is very long.
" I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail." Faulkner