Monday, September 5, 2011

Okay, here I am again, with an unexpected few hours off from my exhibit hall coordinator duties. Despite spreadsheet snarls, a giant power-killing thunderstorm, dangerous balloon animals, two weird drunks, and a son smeared, at various times, with mustard, ketchup, chocolate pudding, and oatmeal, things have gone well. We had an unwontedly large submission of apple and blueberry pies, a very small boy took Best of Show for a lovely trout photograph, I heard much local gossip, nobody has yet broken anything on display, my food-smeared son won the Gross Games, and we managed to escape on Saturday afternoon to attend a wedding in southern Maine, where the aforesaid son was too shy to dance but not at all too shy to spend half an hour walking among the wedding guests while balancing a gourd on his head. Boys are inscrutable.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Oh Thank God! The world would not be the world is boys were not inscrutable.