Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Yesterday was fine, I guess, but also unsettling things kept happening . . . the cat disappeared for hours and made me worry, I had a long anxious phone call with my worked-up mom, a friend has Covid in her household. As a result, I had a hard time buckling down to work, so on top of everything else I got to feel guilty. Just one of those days, apparently, but I would like not to have another one today.

It's dark now, and humid, and the cicadas are creaking. Still no rain, but we might get a few drops tomorrow. I dreamed vaguely of unfamiliar houses. I'm reading Lori Ostlund's story collection The Bigness of the World, which I'm liking a lot, but which also seems to be replicating my uneasy state of mind. 

But, in good news, my car passed inspection and does not need new tires. In good news, I filled the vases with fresh flowers. In good news, I ate ripe nectarines and my own freshly picked blueberries. In good news, the shed has a new door and new windows and is covered with strapping and looks terrible but progress!

Today I hope to settle into a better work pattern. This big editing project is dense and demanding, and I've also got a stack of cluttery smaller jobs to attend to. I'll go for a bike ride first, and clear my head with air and breeze. I'll try not to fret. 

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