Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Today will be my last day at home for a while. I'm not sure how long I'll be in Vermont--maybe home as early as Saturday, but possibly away for a week or so. You won't hear from me here tomorrow morning, as I'll be up and driving by dawn, but I'm hoping that I can fall into a more regular blog schedule once I get settled.

I'll spend much of today trying to get garden and house things done so Tom doesn't have to shoulder too many of my chores while he's a temporary bachelor. The garden is complicated as things will still need harvesting, but I think I've got the peppers under control, the tomatoes are winding down, and many of the fall crops can just sit and grow till I get back. So today: laundry and floors, packing and lawn mowing, and making lots of lists for myself and for Tom. I've got to bring my Zoom setup with me, plus a portable mattress, plus books, plus work clothes and teaching clothes . . . it's a good thing I'll be alone in the car so I'll have room for this ridiculous amount of stuff.

Yesterday I sat in on a friend's poetry class to talk about how I handle stanza breaks, line breaks, and other kinds of white space in my poems, and it was a really enjoyable experience. Such a friendly class, and I do have fun trying to figure out how to explain myself.

In the meantime, people have been signing up for the Frost Place Studio Session classes! As of this morning, there's only one space left on the reserve list for the the December chapbook class. Please let me know as soon as possible if you're interested in that final chapbook spot. The Homer class is now three-quarters full, so you might want to act quickly on that one as well.

I'd like to think I'll be doing a little bit of revision work today, as this might be my last chance for the foreseeable future. But if I don't, I don't. I'm not going to beat myself up about what I can't accomplish. I'm still reading--I'm always reading--and that's the big thing. I'll bring along Thackeray's Vanity Fair, the Iliad, Alice Oswald's collection Falling Awake, a New Yorker issue on food writing, and undoubtedly a few other books that I won't be able to leave behind.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Travel easy, my friend