Thursday, May 23, 2019

Yesterday I managed to submit not one, but two, editing invoices with significant errors, and then I forgot a bag of groceries in a cart. I am beginning to understand that I am exhausted. I'm not exactly sure what has caught up with me--outdoor work, juggling too many jobs, writing too many poems, broken sleep, seasonal allergies?--but I was barely propping myself up at the stove when I was making dinner last night.

This morning I feel somewhat refreshed but still sort of squinty and wizened around the eyes. I'm hoping to avoid sending any more apology emails to managing editors and to keep better hold of my grapefruit juice, but I'm not highly confident. In my mind I resemble one of those Raggedy Ann knockoffs, with my acrylic yarn hair coming unraveled and my printed-on nose fading into a grubby smudge.

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