Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Today is my last day of high school. Much as I've enjoyed the kids and the teacher, I'll be glad to delete that drive from my life. I never did like cars.

Last night Tom and I went out for Chinese food and a nice old-fashioned showing of Double Indemnity, the sort where something goes wrong with the reel in the middle of the movie, and the actors' voices start sounding like they've been swallowed, and Fred McMurray hops backward down a train aisle on crutches, and all the lights in the screening room come on, and a gaggle of young men fret and bustle around the projector, and the movie reel spins whap whap whap as they fret, and audience members giggle and take advantage of the hiatus to go to the bathroom. More movies should be like this.

1 comment:

David (n of 49) said...

"...spins whap whap whap" - exactement. :D