Friday, June 14, 2024

Ugh. I seem to have re-sprained the ankle I injured a couple of months . . . this time [drum roll], by walking across the living room. The first time I hurt it, I stood up after watching a movie. [I live a dangerous life.] That version took weeks to heal, and now here I am again, right back at the beginning. It's very annoying and also puzzling. What's the deal with this stupid ankle?

Well, okay, fine. I won't go for a long walk today. Have it your way, tendons. 

This morning I've got a phone meeting with a friend about her manuscript. Then my publisher is stopping by to look at cover-photo options. Afterward I'll clean the downstairs rooms, and I'll dig the fading pansies out of their plant pots and replace them with summer flowers, and let's hope the ankle decides to calm its ire and return to normal functioning.

Yesterday I began reading William Trevor's novel The Story of Lucy Gault, which features a broken ankle. Do you think books are starting to affect my life too much?

1 comment:

nancy said...

Empathetic injury? Be careful what you read! : )