Monday, November 20, 2023

A chilly Monday morning in the little northern city by the sea. I slept badly, not surprisingly, as my brain refused to stop mulling over its list of things to do. Still, despite that annoying brain, I arose feeling cheerful and ready for the day. This afternoon I'll pick up the first batch of young people at the bus station. This morning I'll do my exercises, run errands, buy groceries, and bake a cake. Holiday meal number 1 will be spaghetti with tender meatballs simmered in tomato-pepper sauce (my own, made in September), a salad, and quince cake with hard sauce (quinces from the bush I share with my neighbor).

Other than not having quite enough sleep, I am extremely ready for this party. The cat is also very excited. He loves bed making and company. Yesterday he helped me retool my study into a guest room and enjoyed sporting around on the actually very comfortable queen-sized bed I concocted from two foldable mattresses. This morning I'll make up the downstairs guest bed, and I'm sure he'll again be heavily involved.

I should get started on that job, and all the rest of them. But for a few more minutes I'll sit here quietly. I really am so happy about this coming week. I know I'm fussing more than is strictly necessary, but the fuss is part of my pleasure. I like to take care of people. I also know that the house will quickly become messy and noisy and disorganized. That's fine, that's lovely; it will all be lovely. I'm just so happy that the rooms will be full.

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