Thursday, October 26, 2023

I woke up this morning to an email from a friend: "I hope you are okay." I was bewildered; why wouldn't I be? And then I saw the news: at least 22 people shot dead in Lewiston, Maine, because they'd made the mistake of going bowling.

Lewiston is about 30 miles away from us: home of Bates College, home also of a hospital where I spent a week with a sick son in 2017. That hospital is now lined with bodies on stretchers.

I scanned the article about the shooting in today's Portland Press Herald. It is the deadliest shooting ever in Maine, but the reporter also made sure to mention other famous deadly shootings. On the list was Steven Lake's murder of his family in Dexter . . . the murders that ruined the lives of dear Harmony friends, that crucially scarred the life of my own child. But, hey, it's famous so let's keep the PTSD alive. Because mine is pinging now.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Thinking of you especially.
I got a ping from friends in Oklahoma!!! alerting others in our little group who live in Nebraska and Michigan!!!