Saturday, August 19, 2023

Yesterday turned out to be hard day: my sister called to say that my mom had fallen, and then I immediately got an email telling me that a dear friend is going into hospice. So I spent the day between those two poles, trying to work etc. among texts and phone calls but also looping around the house, staring out of windows, grappling with helplessness.

So I'm on call now, possibly leaving for Vermont at any moment, though probably not till after the weekend.

Anyway, today I'll be home, and possibly there will even be sunshine, that rare visitor. Yesterday was one long downpour: I barely managed to pick vegetables for dinner, let alone do any work outside. Everything is sopped now, but maybe things will dry out. I need to mow, weed, deadhead blossoms, and spend hours on the phone with my sister, trying sort out what needs to be done. Send love.


Carlene Gadapee said...

Keeping you and yours in my thoughts today. It's not easy, I know.

Ruth said...

Be good to you in the meantime. Thinking of you with understanding of these issues.