Tuesday, August 1, 2023

If you're at all interested in taking part in my September class, "Rilke and Imagination," you should probably sign up soon because it's filling rapidly--only three spaces left as of 5 a.m. I'm not sure why people are jumping at it, but I'm very glad they are. I find Rilke thrilling, and I'm excited to center a writing weekend around his work.

Of course this means I need to restart my engines, teaching-wise. Since the Frost Place conference ended, I've taken a hiatus from classwork. Next Tuesday I'll be leading a short in-person workshop on storytelling in poetry, but it will be the first I've led since June. I need to scour off the summer rust.

Today I'll start another small editing project. I've got a morning phone meeting and my constant round of housework and gardening chores, and I'd like to take a bike ride in this cool air. I'm chipping away at revisions on two poem drafts, reading my friend Gretchen's poetry collection, picking blueberries, taking the car the garage to be inspected . . . Meanwhile, days shorten, and the cicadas hiss. August, welcome to the world.

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