Saturday, December 24, 2022

Somehow we managed to get through that storm without anything more than minor twig damage. I have no idea why we were so lucky, as the city got hit hard. High tide coincided with the storm, and there are ugly photos of flooding and damage all along the waterfront, including at Portland Head Light, our iconic lighthouse, which was damaged by a rogue wave. The pier with my fish market was underwater; I'm quite relieved I did my fish shopping on Thursday before the storm hit. But our little neighborhood is on a rise, away from the cove, so it was spared the floods. What we had were the gruesome winds, tearing through the trees, ripping at roofs and window frames. It was scary, and I had a hard time concentrating on anything other than the storm.

This morning is calm, though very cold. We're not exactly sure when we'll get on the road; that depends on how icy it is out there. A precipitous temperature drop after a warm rainstorm is its own kind of trouble. But at least the gale has blown out to sea.

J is in Toronto; P is in New York; they will be wending their ways toward Vermont today. I will pack my cooler of cod and smoked mussels and smoked shrimp and pumpkin dinner rolls and whole-wheat sandwich rolls and rye herb twists and black cake, and my bags of wrapped presents, and possibly our snowshoes, in case there is any snow left in Vermont, and then T and I will also wend. 

I wish you all safe travels or safe staying-in-place, as the day requires. May the sun shine, and your creekbed not overflow.

1 comment:

Carlene Gadapee said...

Blessings on your journeys.
We, too, had a horrible wind/rain storm-- the house creaked, the windows strained, but the power on our street stayed on. It's still out all over town; we are lucky. Then, the flooding and freeze happened-- what a night. I'm glad you are all safe.
Take care, and have a wonder-filled holiday!