Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Yesterday was considerably less productive, desk-wise, than I'd hoped, thanks to file-transmission issues and other such out-of-my-control technical snafus. But I think things have been ironed out, so today will be Deal with Editing Stack, Round 2. In the meantime, I worked on a blurb for a class I'll be teaching in the spring and mucked around with some Frost Place stuff.

[Sidebar: There's still room in Carlene Gadapee's Poets' Table class, coming up this Saturday afternoon. These are fun, welcoming, inexpensive writing sessions for people working at any level. And Carlene is a terrific teacher. You should check it out.]

[Other sidebar: I've got two openings in my December chapbook class. If you have at least 10 finished poems and are interested in beginning to experiment with how they might work together as a collection, this class is for you. We've had both published and unpublished poets in these sessions. Everyone is a colleague. Everyone is welcome.]

I also got out into the garden . . . dug up the last dahlia roots, tore out the frosted marigolds and bachelors' buttons, harvested leeks, harvested arugula. The groundhog seems to have vanished, so my fall greens have suddenly exploded, which is exciting. On the whole, we're pretty well ready for winter (barring the shed, which is still in process), and that's good, because winter seems to have suddenly arrived. The temperature is 24 degrees this morning, and this time last week it was 60 degrees. But the house is snug, the gardens are winter-ready, garlic and bulbs are planted, and I know where the snow shovels and hats are hiding.

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