Thursday, November 17, 2022

Cold smacked me in the face when I opened the back door to let the cat out. But the rain has stopped, I think, and the day is supposed to turn sunny, though not warm. First thing this morning I'll need to bring my car to the garage so the guys can solve the why-is-it-loud question. Then I'll walk home and start working on my class plans for next week's Monson trek. I'll go up on Monday, teach on Tuesday, and then Thanksgiving will be upon us. T and I will spend it in Massachusetts with his parents, though neither boy will be with us. It seems we are at the time of life when our children branch out into other families' doings. I'll miss them, of course, but I'm happy that their circles of affection keep getting wider.

For me, this will be yet another week on the road, when I'm barely over the last one. All I seem to do these days is travel. So I should remind myself to stay in the present. I'm home now, and I don't have to teach this weekend, so that's something. Tonight I hope to go out to the salon to write. Maybe my car won't cost the earth to repair. I've got beautiful leeks in the refrigerator and heaps of arugula in the garden. The cat is in love with me. I need to find another book to read. Yikes, Christmas shopping.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Braiding SweetGrass has really touched me and I'll admit I've avoiding it because "everyone is reading it and raving about it" One of the Book groups I attend read it so there were copies available from the library. I decided I needed to own it.