Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Last night's poetry group was sweet . . . just four of us sitting in my living room, as the sun went down and a small breeze floated through the open windows. I was happy to have flowers on the mantle, happy to be thinking about other people's words.

I spent a chunk of the morning working on my upcoming August zoom class, "Sheltering in Place." I believe there's still room in it, if you feel like joining us. I'm going to focus on readings and generative prompts centering around immediate engagement with self and world. We'll have two three-hour afternoons, and each will have three themes. I haven't quite worked out the order, but the themes will likely be "time of day," "state of mind," "time of life," "acquaintance with the body," "acquaintance with the spirit," and "time of year." If you hate zoom, do not worry. There will be lots and lots of off-screen writing time.

I'll spend more time with that this morning, and probably work on Frost Place stuff as well. I'm still waiting for the new editing project to drop, and tonight I'm supposed to go to a baseball game, though there's a chance of thunderstorms, so we'll see. I'm the last person to complain about the possibility of rain, but there's truly nothing fun about sitting in an open stadium during a storm.

Otherwise, fighting the groundhog, riding my bike, watering the gardens, washing the clothes, reading and writing . . . welcome to my summer life in gerunds.

1 comment:

Carlene Gadapee said...

I love that as a title for something, "my summer life in gerunds."

And I've registered for the August class. =) Good way to fill my cup before school starts.