Tuesday, June 7, 2022

I didn't take a nap yesterday, so I guess that's progress. Of course I also discovered I had a dentist appointment scheduled at naptime, so the decision to nap or not nap was taken out of my hands. Other than the dentist surprise, though, it was a decent day: I worked at my desk, did a lot of laundry, mowed the tall grass, went for a walk with my neighbor. I still felt blinky and dull-brained, but I could cook a meal and edit an academic article and scour a sink, even roll out piecrust.

Today, more of the same, with less dentist. I'm teaching tonight, so I'll have to prep for that as well. It's our last session, and then my teaching mind will turn entirely toward the conference.

I'd like to think I could get back to writing poems. It's been weeks since I've worked on a new draft. My friend Kerrin gave me a prompt yesterday, and maybe I'll try it. Still, the idea of actually trying to write feels like shoving rocks into mud.

1 comment:

David (n of 49) said...

"...like shoving rocks into mud" - great analogy.