Friday, March 25, 2022

Pouring rain, pouring rain, and I, thankfully, am still at home, not slogging through ice and mud in the northcountry dark.

But it was an odd day, yesterday: I expected to be on the road, and instead I spent hours reading by the fire while rain and sleet rattled down. 

Today should be different, as the rain is supposed to transform into 50 degrees and full sun, a gardener's delight. No firesides and couch blankets required.

I've been immersed in Wendell Berry's fiction, and at some point I will write down what I'm noticing about his work. Suffice it to say: his stories are what I expected, and what I did not expect. Which is why I remain immersed.

In two days, Tom leaves for his residency. Things will sure be different around here without him.

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