Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A busy start to the day: Paul takes his driving test at 9, and then both of us have dentist appointments later in the morning.

The temperature is supposed to reach 75 degrees here, by far our warmest day of the season. I'm glad to report that Paul and I got all of the housework done yesterday, so I'll be able sit in the shade this afternoon and work on poem revisions and Frost Place paperwork.

Last night, while I was in my poetry group meeting, the boys cooked up a most excellent chicken fricassee with spatzle--really prime--and then sat around companionably with me in the dining room while I ate my late meal. They are so lovely.

My poetry group was really good last night: the quality of the poem drafts was so high, and maybe I'm also getting better at being a member. The learning curve is slow for me, after all of those years of isolation.

Maybe tonight I'll make potato salad and a big green salad for dinner. It seems like we might be in for an open windows/no lamps/only candles/listening to baseball/first summer night kind of evening.

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