Monday, June 10, 2019

A long sweet ballpark afternoon, a walk home under summer skies, boys splintering off briefly to visit with friends, Sicilian pizza and asparagus salad for dinner, a noisy family card game afterward . . . the weekend has been a delight. This morning I'm feeling a bit sun-drugged, as one does after a hot day at the stadium. Boys are asleep, my in-laws are heading home, Tom is getting ready for work, and I am trying to catch up on emails and laundry. We're forecast to have another hot day, and I don't know what the boys and I will do with it. Our plan is to go to the movies this evening, but otherwise we may just putter. Tomorrow Number One Son heads to New Hampshire, and I'll go back to editing, prepping for the Frost Place, prepping for a weekend workshop, etc., etc. In the meantime Boy Land continues on.

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