Reading the headlines is making me glum. Once again, our jerk-in-chief is displaying his heartlessness, his personal cowardice, his narcissism. How can anyone be so awful? He is truly a despicable American.
As I forge on with my own little life--as I do my jobs, try to write, tend my home--I am also perpetually aware that, in the eyes of this monster, I am worthless. The only thing I have going for me is that I'm white. Otherwise: I earn very little money. I am not beautiful. I do not toady to him. So why should he care if I have health care or clean water or breathable air?
It is terrible to watch such cruelty on public display. It is terrible to recognize that everything I value about humanity is exactly what he derides and ignores. Complexity, variation, ambiguity, creativity, patience, altruism, conversation, thought, honesty, faith. These count for exactly nothing.
I know that none of this is news to you. I know you feel the same way that I do. So at least we have each other. You, over there: you interesting, curious, kind, intelligent person. You, with your moral convictions and your open heart. You, a being who admits you've made a mistake, and apologizes, and tries to do better. You, who listens. Thank you for holding fast.
It seems to me that the voices of American history again present us with a challenge, one we must accept. John Dickinson, the sole dissenter who refused to sign the Declaration of Independence even though he loved this country as much as any other in Congress, mocked his fellow delegates for wanting to "brave the storm in a skiff made of paper." Were the signers idealistic, yes. But today we must also depend on that "paper" or the great American experiment will dissolve in the glaring light of hatred.
In solidarity with the thinkers, dreamers, and "invisible" Americans...C
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