Friday, June 3, 2016

Well, here it is: the front cover of The Vagabond's Bookshelf. The publisher, Jeff Haste at Deerbrook Editions, estimates that it should be back from the printer by the middle of June, meaning that copies will be available for sale at the Frost Place, in case you were wondering. I imagine that you could contact Jeff and preorder a copy, if you were interested. Even better, if you are mulling over the possibility of reviewing the book, he'd give you a free copy.

That's Tom's cover photo, but those are not our bookshelves. A few years ago he was hired to take pictures of small chapels around Maine, and I believe he found these books in the back room of one of those buildings.

So this will make seven books in print, plus one finished poetry collection in manuscript, plus one semi-finished essay collection in manuscript, plus a poetry collection under construction. When I look back at all this, I am shocked. How did I manage to write so much?

Still, seven books in print are nothing compared to my two gorgeous, glorious, funny, sweet, curious, loud, hungry, lovable, brilliant grown-up sons. They are the most surprising thing I've ever made.


Ruth said...

7 books with others in the wings + 2 amazing sons = a very blessed life

Dawn Potter said...

I feel so lucky, Ruth. I really do.