Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Yesterday, on my way outside to hack at some slush, I discovered three boxes sitting on my stoop. No UPS van had attempted to forge up the driveway, and I don't see how the driver could have maneuvered a hand truck through the mess either, so she must have staggered all the way up through the morass under the weight of three boxes of books.

Thank you, driver, for your Pony Express grit, because the boxes contained 75 copies of Same Old Story, which means that any of you who have ordered the collection should shortly receive your copies as well.

If you haven't ordered a book yet and/or are interested in getting a signed copy, please let me know, and I will mail you one. The charge would be list price, $16, plus postage; my email is ironduke at tdstelme dot net. As I've mentioned before, if you would like a PDF or a review galley, please contact I always feel squeamish about asking, but any kind of mention, even a little capsule Amazon notice, would be so helpful . . . though of course if you hate the book you should say so too.

I'll be reading from the collection in New York City on June 12 (though the Bryant Park website incorrectly lists the date as June 19). If you have ideas about other reading venues, as well as workshops, classroom visits, interviews, etc., just let me know. However, don't suggest anything for this week because I still can't get my car out of the driveway.

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