Saturday, October 10, 2009

News flash: The Sewanee Review has decided to publish my essay on Charlotte Bronte's novel Shirley. I am so relieved. The poor thing is footsore, having crossed the Atlantic twice, loitered in California, and been spurned in Texas. It will enjoy retiring quietly to Tennessee.

1 comment:

charlotte gordon said...

YAY! I want to get my hands on these essays of yours. All of them.
By the way, I don't think either. Even when writing history. It's like a self induced trance/waking dream kind of thing. I like to think about this. But I don't really know how to talk about it as I don't like to sound like a writerly romantic, you know, a self aggrandizing shelley. So I hope you keep writing about it so we can keep talking about it. By the way, reading your blog is the first thing I have been doing when I start "writing." each day -- aggedli is the word I just typed into the word verification box. which (not to be pompous but to go ahead and be pompous) sounds an awful like the greek aggela which means messenger. And I thought you might like to know this.