Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Yesterday was catch-up-between-roadtrips day, which means that today is embark-on-the-next-roadtrip day and also start-a-new-editing-project day and try-to-squeeze-in-a-long-walk-among-the-chores day, but at least it is not wash-dry-fold-five-loads-of-laundry day anymore.

Actually this trip north will be more fun than usual because my friend Gretchen is coming along to hang out with the kids, see what we're up to, mess around with some drafts and revisions with us. So it should be an enjoyable outing, even if I'm not full of enthusiasm about traveling again so soon.

My mind is feeling a bit scattered. I haven't settled myself down to anything beyond housework yet: the glitter of our New York City weekend is still distracting me. But I suppose employment will tame me again. It's been a couple of months since I've had a steady editing gig, a month since I've been in the high school classroom . . . It sure is easy to not hold down a job.

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