Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Apparently last night it snowed up here in the homeland, and now it is pouring rain, and I slept through the whole thing so was confused when an email flashed on my phone: school delays, huh, wha? It looks like at least half of the schools that feed into Monson Arts have one-hour delays because of icing, so I guess my class will not be getting started quickly this morning, if at all.

Thus, here I shelter in bed, listening to trucks rumble past in the slush and considering the sad fact that the store doesn't open for another hour so I can't acquire any coffee till then. In the upstairs apartment someone's talk radio swoops and yawps, then suddenly falls silent. It feels odd to be in this place for work purposes and now suddenly have my day hip-checked. I can't decide if this is restful or a pain. I mean, I want to love a snow day. Doesn't everyone? But what about a snow day when I'm far from home in a coffee-less apartment and might not get paid, even though I drove all the way up here with a sheaf full of teaching plans? Kind of takes the shine off the situation.

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