Sunday, September 1, 2024

I just sent you yesterday's post, which I wrote on the bus and thought I had posted, but I guess the bus wifi said no.

It is now almost 8 a.m. in Brooklyn and I have just woken up. Oh, these crazy Brooklyn hours. I didn't even actually stay up all that late last night, only till midnight, but for some reason I really needed to sleep.

And it was a long day--first the bus trip, then a trek down to the Village for lunch, then out to Brooklyn to P's apartment to meet his cats, followed by a trek to our friend's new record store, and then a walk to the bar, and then to the Salvadoran restaurant, and then the walk back to the apartment. Some of this involved public transportation, but a lot of it was on foot, and that is a thing I love about New York--all of the walking.

This morning I'll make my way to P's apartment again for breakfast, and then we'll head into Manhattan to wander around the Met and eventually meet up with Ray and Steve for a big dinner. Visiting NY always means walking a lot and spending a ridiculous amount of money on meals--but that is part of the good time we all look forward to.

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