Thursday, September 5, 2024

I am still having a hard time waking up at 5 a.m. Just a few brief days on bartender time and my sleeping schedule has been ruined. However, here I am, groggy but upright, doing my part in the early-riser club, drinking the coffee, trying to pretend that construction-worker time is really the way to live.

I caught up with housework yesterday, and with most of the laundry, so today I'll turn my attention to errands and to the new editing project that showed up in my email yesterday afternoon. I guess I'll probably go out to write tonight, though I'm feeling a bit scattershot about social plans. NYC is always intensely busy, and now that I'm home my introvert self is re-exerting its supremacy. But I'll try to talk it down.

After a flurry of final corrections, the Calendar proofs went to the printer yesterday morning. So the book is on its way, and anyone interested in pre-orders can begin contacting Deerbrook Editions. I've got a Portland book launch planned for October 17, and Jeanne Marie Beaumont and I are going to share a combined online launch at some point this fall, as she also has a new book in press. I'll keep you posted on that.

By the way, there are only two spaces left in my November "Revision Intensive" class via the Poetry Kitchen, so grab one soon if you've been on the fence.

Meanwhile, autumn is creeping forward . . . cool mornings, weary garden, and I, too, am ready to lay aside the hoe and the mower, though I will regret the summer dresses. One evening soon I'll be lighting the wood stove again. 

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