Monday, February 26, 2024

It's Monday morning, and the end of my sweet week at home. This afternoon I'll be on the road again, I'll teach tomorrow, and then there will be the long drive back. So the morning will be filled with editing and exercise and housework and loose-end gathering, before I climb into the car for the journey north.

All in all, I feel pretty good. I never did catch Tom's terrible cold, and that is a big plus. I've had eight days in my own bed; I caught up with a ton of editing and class planning; I worked on poem drafts; I read about seventeenth-century France; I did lots of walking; I cooked and went to the movies and went to the beach and saw a harbor seal and ate fried diner potatoes and hung around with this guy I like and had long phone conversations with our kids. I'm ready to roll into March.

Already one of the Poetry Kitchen classes I announced over the weekend, "From Draft to Dream," is half full, so that's a good thing too. There's been a long gap between the end of my Frost Place era and the beginning of this what's-next era, and I've worried about losing momentum. But so far, so good. And I'm excited about teaching a revision session. I've been thinking a lot about revision in the context of my high schoolers and my teaching conference, and of course I think about it all the time as regards my own work. But I'm not a fan of the workshop model, which is the standard teaching tool for revision, so I've been experimenting with other ways to enter into community-based conversations around the revision process. I'm looking forward to trying them out in this session.

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