Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Yesterday took a left turn, as I came down with some kind of stomach bug and ended up spending much of the day limply on the couch. However, a long magical sleep seems to have solved all problems, and I woke up feeling healthy and lively and eager for coffee.

So today will involve accomplishing the things I did not get done yesterday, such as grocery shopping and standing upright. I did manage to edit and do my exercises, which in retrospect is kind of surprising, though I think I wasn't, in the early morning hours, quite aware of how lousy I was beginning to feel. Funny how these things can sneak up. Also funny how a body decides to solve the problem. Mine commanded, "Lie down," and I meekly obeyed. This morning, the body said, "We're fine now. Get up." And here I am, myself again.

Outside a mourning dove coos. In the kitchen T slices bread for a sandwich. I hear traffic in the distance, and the air is heavy and humid, and my bare shoulders feel sticky. I suppose it will be another air machine day.

I'm hoping to finish this editing project today, but maybe it will drag out till tomorrow. I'm hoping to make a shrimp salad and work on some poems. I'm hoping to not spend the afternoon shivering under a blanket, somehow freezing on an 85-degree day. That was weird.

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