Friday, June 16, 2023

This morning I am significantly more coherent: desk work managed, housework managed, car-repair expenses minimal, plus I wrote two decent drafts at last night's salon. I've got a bit more desk work to deal with this morning, but mostly I want to focus on gardening today, though I do have Frost Place meetings as well.

Today it's supposed to maybe even possibly be a little bit sunny, odd as that seems. But of course more rain is on the way, and then I'll be in New Hampshire for a week, so my yardwork window is small. All of this rain has brought out the weeds in force, and among other things I need to cultivate the vegetable beds and start mulching flower beds, now that last fall's giant leaf pile has transformed into usable detritus.

I have no idea how much I'll actually accomplish, though. I've got many distractions, including those two new drafts I wrote last night: (1) a poem about Anne Sexton; (2) a poem about boys in the woods with guns. Naturally I can barely keep my hands off them.

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