Saturday, May 6, 2023

All week these four rosy tulips have been the centerpiece of the view from my front window. But already, since this photo was taken, the view has changed; the petals are dropping; time, squirrels, and weather have imposed their will. Loveliness is so brief.

It is Saturday, my only day off this weekend, as I'm beginning a three-session manuscript seminar tomorrow. I've got lots to do--laundry, gardening, groceries--but the forecast is spectacular: bright sunshine, temperatures in the 70s, after a week of cold rain. T and I are planning our first fire-pit dinner of the season, and I'm also hoping to get my bike out, dust it off, pump up the tires, and take it for an inaugural spin.

I worked on a poem draft yesterday, talked to Teresa about Donne, dealt with various teaching-related issues, edited a manuscript, and then I made porkchops marinated in lime and garlic chives, buttered quinoa and millet, roasted fennel and onions, new lettuce and arugula from the garden, and the piece-de-resistance, a mango galette--not only cute but also delicious. I was quite pleased with myself, as every part of this meal was a total invention.

Cooking is so fun.

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