Friday, March 18, 2022

The temperature is supposed to climb to 61 degrees today, and I am excited. Yesterday afternoon I planted the season's inaugural crops: lettuce and arugula in the cold frame, spinach and radishes in the open boxes. Garlic has sprouted, and I spotted the first fiddleheads beginning to unfold in the rain garden.

I still have so much more raking to do, and that's what I'll focus on today, once I get through my desk chores. I'm hoping for laundry on the line, an open window or two . . . 

The Lane, with the new cold frame setup. In front is my pot of mint, waiting for the reviving sun.

Another view of the cold frame setup. You can see the uncovered edge of the box: that's where I planted radishes.

Green sprouts are garlic; spinach is underneath the strips of hardware cloth. I use them to deter squirrels and cats from digging up my rows.

Fiddleheads are starting to green up. I'm sure they're still dormant in the woods, but a touch of sun in the rain garden has brought them out here.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Wow!! I can't even SEE the majority of my yard!!!

Looks amazing though.