Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday morning, and I am tired from a weekend of work, with a week of work to come. Yesterday's class ended intensely, with participants writing stunning new drafts in response to the prompts I'd sweated over last week. It was very satisfying from a teacher's point of view, but I'm wrung out.

No rest for the weary, however. I've got lots of editing to do, and a manuscript to read, and so much housework to catch up on, and also I need to go down to the wharf and buy Tom's Valentine's Day lobsters.

Speaking of which, I have permission to share a Valentine's Day poem . . . the draft that my friend Donna wrote during Carlene's class on Saturday. I love its stanza-break pattern, its vivid and simple images. I'm not sure if this the first poem Donna's ever written, but its certainly the first she's written in a long time. I do hope it won't be the last. (The title is mine: she'll think of a better one.)

Poem after a Line by Wendy Cope

Donna Miller

Take-out dinner on the couch

A Netflix movie to watch
Ice cream in a plastic dish

Not the things I once would have dreamed of
But the things I live for today.

I love you. I'm glad I exist.


Ruth said...

Yes, this was so perfect in its simplicity and real-ness.

What a treat to be in the company of all these people

Happy Valentine Day. This was always one of my favorites before retirement. At least in my classes, the kids just seemed to celebrate their own cards and were interested in everyone else's cards too. The party food was quite secondary.

David (n of 49) said...

Listening to her read it I found myself thinking if this is her first I hope it's the first of a whole lot more.