Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Yesterday was less crazed than I'd imagined it would be. I endured my exercise class, and worked on my editing stack, and baked bread, and weeded and pruned in the front flowerbeds; and eventually I did pull myself together for the evening poetry-group meeting.

Today's schedule will be much the same--exercise, editing, laundry, and gardening--with the addition of grocery shopping, dinner making, and a midday visit from some Frost Place friends. I'm going to harvest the rest of the potatoes for storage, and hang sheets on the line, and make Italian bread and tomato soup from the bowlful of Romas on my counter. I ought to go to the library and pick up the book I ordered. I'd like to work on some poems too, maybe tweak the one I brought to the poetry group last night, but it's possible I'll get distracted by the Red Sox double-header instead. Summer is a demanding season. Thank goodness for baseball.


Ang said...

High summer is crazy!!!!! Crescendo! Cacophony! Climactic!

David (n of 49) said...
