Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I don't know what's new. The days just go on and on. I spent time yesterday prepping for my weekend sonnet class. I collected branches from the windstorm, and noticed that the gale had done a fair amount of damage to the roof of the rotting backyard shed. I fetched a grocery order and I sautéed hake. I finished setting up the Red Phone. I unpacked a box of Christmas gifts from my sister. None of this is at all noteworthy, but my son's eyes did gleam with a little-boy shine when he caught sight of the packages under the Christmas hedge.

In scavenging news: Tom brought home a very heavy, expensive faucet set from a bathroom he's demolishing. And I found a stack of old roof slates in a free pile on the street. So now we have a faucet for a hypothetical sink and edging for an actual garden bed.

In poetry news: I'm going to undertake a broadside collaboration project with a Florida painter; I ought to start doing some actual planning for my nascent new & collected; I'll be starting a big manuscript-review job next week; I am always dissatisfied with myself.

Today: hosting the stove repair guy! editing a preface! running errands! reading sonnets! mending a shirt! picking kale! reading Virginia Woolf! suffering through an 8 a.m. abs class via Zoom! watching afternoon football with my son! pretending I like football! plugging in the Christmas lights! reading Byron! walking down the street! coloring in a homemade comic book! lugging firewood! sweeping up pine needles! playing cribbage! hanging laundry in the basement! The glories never cease--


nancy said...

I've started doing the writing exercises in your book. I think it is keeping me somewhat sane, since I have lost sewing inspiration and we have gone remote for a few weeks. Looking forward to the weekend : )

Dawn Potter said...

So glad they're helpful. You might check in with David D this weekend: I think he's doing some of those exercises too, and it could be fun to compare notes as you work.

David (n of 49) said...

For some reason, those exclamations are terrific. Er, terrific!