Saturday, November 21, 2020

With another lockdown looming, I've been working hard this week to build up supplies . . . food, cleaners, bathroom needs. This morning I'll make another run--for shampoo and such--but we're already basically ready to huddle in our burrow. I'll also be picking up an order from the fish market: steamers for tonight; Arctic char for tomorrow night; hake for the freezer. Next week's turkey feast is well timed too. I can box up leftovers for meals, bones for stock. I've got canned salmon, lots of dried beans and macaroni and rice, plenty of flour and yeast, oils, butter, coffee, tea, plus storage fruits and vegetables: oranges, apples, lemons, beets, carrots, leeks, celery, endive, potatoes, onions, garlic, a yard full of kale, plus the arugula and some herbs are still hanging on. But I should acquire a cabbage today: no lockdown is complete without a cabbage.

I'm back to being obsessed with the food chain. But I'm also back to being glad I know how to stockpile. For last night's I dinner I cooked lamb patties topped with cherry tomato salsa, and served them with stuck-pot rice (a lovely, crispy way to cook rice), cucumbers in yogurt, and homemade chocolate ice cream. It felt good to reach into freezer and pantry, and feel confident that I have the skills to keep the comfort going for my boys . . . as long as we can keep earning. We already know that my unemployment support will fizzle, thanks to Republican indifference. I hope other work opportunities will find me, but things are slow now and I can't help but worry.

Anyway, we carry on. 


Carlene Gadapee said...

"No lockdown is complete without cabbage."
There is so much history in that statement, as well as a certain amount of satire.
Be well, stay safe, and yes, our cupboards are full, as well. I hate this, but, as you say, I'm glad I know how.

David X. Novak said...

I don't doubt you have the skills and being obsessed with the food chain seems an entirely reasonable preoccupation. I've begun to feel like a restaurant hand, so much of our time is devoted to food prep. Who knew kitchen skills could come in so handy? We've always cooked, but now it's about 100%. Actually you realize any sort of skills you have (outside of the literary field) can come in handy. I don't doubt you've brought a lot of things learned in Harmony to the city.