Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Autumn darkness is creeping in, despite the weighted summer air. Now, when the alarm goes off, I turn on a lamp, heave myself up out of night, trudge downstairs into a brown gloom. 

Outside, this morning, is a vague suggestion of rain. No doubt that will be all we get. I begin to think there is no such thing as a downpour.

After my flurry of creation--long poem, book review--I'm reluctantly pushing my own writing aside and going back to editing. Paul is working evenings for the foreseeable future,  which means I'll have no home-alone time for the foreseeable future. But he sleeps late, so I'm trying to channel my inner mother-of-a-baby energy: edit while the child naps. And I'm trying to hold on to the pleasure of last week's accomplishment. Opportunity is fleeting.


nancy said...

We had a brief shower yesterday. I miss having an all day rain; when we were on vacation, that is the day we would go to the used book store and then spend all afternoon curled up, reading books that exuded the faint scent of old barn, mold, and dust each time we turned a page.

Dawn Potter said...

Oh, I remember those rainy days! So sweet.