Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The peonies exploded into bloom in yesterday's warm soaking rain, and then the rain immediately smashed the heavy heads into the ground. C'est la vie with peonies, every single year. I did manage to tie them up, however, and to corral the peavines which are swelling over the trellis like radioactive superheroes.

Number 1 Son took a bus to Boston early in the morning, and I cried, of course. It has been so exceedingly sweet to have both boys at home. Thankfully I still have Number 2 Son to enjoy for a few more days before he departs for Canada. And then I'll be rushing into Frost Place time, so I won't have the leisure to mope for long . . .  though I bet I'll still manage some woe. How I love these boys.

Today: editing, and then grass mowing and weed trimming, and probably a mid-afternoon break for Scrabble, which for some reason has become the game du jour during this boy visit. Tom was home all day yesterday because of the rain (not good weather for framing a house), so we now possess a linen-closet door and a non-leaking toilet. And now the cat is yowling outside the front door because he wants to bring a semi-live mouse inside. The answer is no.

1 comment:

David (n of 49) said...

Really? I thought the answer was 42.