Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What a day to be outside . . . high 50s, a springlike wind, the streets running with snowmelt, windows open, and me squinting into the sunshine with a book and cat on the front stoop. But that was yesterday. Today we're back to winter, with freezing rain on the docket for tonight.

The essay I assigned my class for this week was James Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son." If you have not read it lately, you need to go back to it. I think it may be one of the most extraordinary pieces of prose of the twentieth century. I'm no scholar, but this essay is on fire.

So that's how I spent my hours yesterday: reading Baldwin, reading student drafts, reading a writer friend's wonderfully strange verse-fiction manuscript, splashing in puddles in the spring air, working on a poem draft, planning my love-poem workshop, folding laundry, talking to my mother, roasting a chicken. It was a day from heaven.


Ruth said...

This came up in my memories today.

is proceding with A winter's Tale and loves being part of this group. Knows it is nice to be using the brain for more than correcting such sentences as...."he had rode to the store" or more appallingly from a faculty member, "You know what we should 've did" Wonders does she need to say more than !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn Potter said...

Winter's Tale! That was a fun one!